Does your bike need some TLC? Our trained mechanics will get you are back on your bike in no time. Ensure you make a booking to be able to complete the work in a timely manner.
Bookings are essential
Complementary/Free First Service
This is something we offer our customers that buy a geared bike from us. This is due in the first 8-10 weeks from purchase date.
- Check & Adjust brakes and gears.
- Check and Tighten all bolts.
- Safety Check.
Juvenile/BMX service
Your kids/BMX is already in pretty good shape but needs a once over? Service includes:
- Check and tighten all bolts including crank
- Tighten brake cables
- Drivetrain wear checked
- Check spokes and true minor buckles
- Headset checked
- Adjust brake pads
- Tyres inflated
- Lubricate chain and cables
- Frame wiped down
Parts not included.
Basic Service
Recommended every 6 months, your bike will be adjusted and ready to go! Service includes:
Tune up, plus;
- check & tighten all bolts inc cranks
- adjust gears
- adjust brake pads and tighten cables
- lubricate chain and cables
- tyres inflated
- check spokes and true minor buckles
- Headset checked
- Bike frame wiped down
- Drivetrain wear checked
**Parts not included
Standard Service
Recommened every 6 months, your bike will be cleaned, adjusted and ready to go! Service includes:
- Tune up, plus;
- Chain/cassette removed and cleaned
- Brake surface cleaned
- Bike cleaned/washed
- Wheels removed and tuned
- Drivetrain degreased
- Brake pads de-glazed
Parts not included
Standard Service +
Service includes:
- Standard service plus;
- Bottom bracket removed, cleaned and refitted
- Headset removed, cleaned and re-fitted
Parts not included
Ultimate service
Recommended every 18 months, your bike will be stripped bare, with every part cleaned, greased, and reinstalled. Service includes:
- Standard service plus;
- Bike stripped to bare frame
- Road bikes: discount bar tape and free fitting
- Mountain bikes: rotors cleaned and straightened
- All parts degreased, cleaned and lubricated
- Bottom bracket overhauled and new cables
- Hubs and headset re-greased
- Mountain bikes: brakes bled if necessary
Parts not included
Juvenile/BMX service
Basic Service
Standard service
(Note - $30 surcharge for TT & Triathlon bikes)
Standard service +
Ultimate service road
Ultimate service mountain
Other labor charges
Prices are charged by a time basis (parts not included) See us in store for other pricing.